Friday, August 12, 2016


Sunday, July 24th (day 117) KWATSI BAY mainland Coast Mountains B.C.

John set his ground tackle, rafted Alaskan Sea-Duction on our starboard.

and Endless Tymes rafted on our port side.

Chris and his famous sour dough loaf he makes on the grill, every other day!
What a wonderful treat that was!
He is actually a professional baker / manager of a huge baking factory.
Roxy "the wonder dog" waiting for a ride ashore in the dink. She's a great traveler!

John is ready to scope out possibilities for setting a crab pot.

Brigette and Kay heading to check out the small marina and gift shop.

Views at anchor in Kwatsi Bay.

The rafted trio.
We had an exquisite brunch on Endless Tymes,
crab cakes, hot links, baked beans and fresh sour dough!
Followed by several very competitive yatzee games.
This black bear greeted us in the morning. He was rather camera shy... on his own agenda.

View from the dink.
Dolphin splashing about.

Beautiful morning for the cruise over to Thompson Sound were we spent another night rafted together.

Wednesday, July 27th, (day 120) PORT NEVILLE

The Beachcombers, Kay Brigette and Roxy.
The original homestead built 1906 by the Hansons.
It was a stop over general store and post office.

The barn was added to the ranch. They farmed and raised sheep.

Info with family photos and historic time line.

Remember, you can click on any picture to enlarge and acroll through larger pictures.

We pretty much had the place to ourselves and took full advantage of that.

I made pizzas for another happy hour, while the guys planned
tomorrows passage to Shoal Bay. 
We enjoyed another great sunset after another fine dinner.

Endless Tymes heading to Shoal Bay.

The sun came out for us.

Thursday July 28 (Day 121) SHOAL BAY

The pub is in an old home at Shoal Bay.
Everyone relaxes on the deck.
Beer and wine is served in the afternoon and early evening.
It's a busy place this time of year. 

Tom has a new best friend, Taz.

Wood splitting out behind the pub.
Brigette and Kay with the backside of the pub in the background.

One of the entrances to the garden.
The building on the right (blue roof) is a chicken coop.

Cynthia's kiln shelter and green house.

Check out those curves:-)

The cedar woman watches over the garden.

Moasic wood burning pizza on the property. Saturday is pizza night, so we missed out on that.

Pub entrance.

Care taker Mark on the left, pour beer from a keg, while chatting it up with us.

Tom, Brigette and Chris at the conclusion of happy hour at the pub.

The boardwalk and pier heading back to the boats.

Another dramatic sunset.
Next post... Buddy Boating South part two. Transitioning the rapids in Desolation Sound. Squirrel Cove, Tenedos Bay, Lund, and Mansons Landing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like fun. Good to see the sun! Thanks for your pictures and posts.