Tuesday, May 10, 2016


Thursday May 5th. (Day 37)

The common phrase is "Welcome to B.C."  Everyone is so friendly!

Our visitor flag.

Navionics on the pilothouse dashboard.
Vancouver, B.C. skyline

Burrard Bridge

Just one of the multitude of eateries.

Can you see John on the dock pulling his wagon?

John's loving spending more money :-) We're going fishing!

Storage containers dressed up for the concrete business near by.

Woodwinds street performer.
Mr. Piggy at the Public Market

Farmer's Market, Grandville Island, Vancouver, B.C.
Walkabout on Mother's Day

A very expensive bottle shop. We did not make a purchase.

We spent the weekend at our moorage at Fisherman's Wharf, Vancouver. The Public Market was just walking distance away. I waited until Sunday to stock up on the produce and fresh fish and meats. Meanwhile, John and I had a long list of things to accomplish. Fishing license, bait, tackle, etc. The dingy needed hardware and tow lines. Everything was right here. We had to walk into town, Grandville Island is strictly tourism. 

When we no longer needed the map to get around town, we knew we had stayed too long and spent to much U.S. $'s. Hind sight being 20/20, we probably could have purchases all our needs at the department store called Canadian Tire and avoided walking the streets of downtown Vancouver for grocery and such. However, it was great to get off the boat after weathering that storm.

1 comment:

Danny said...

I thoroughly enjoyed this blog thanks for sharing